Saturday 7 September 2013

What are the causes of Gonorrhea ?

Causes of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is bacterial infection, it is caused by a bacterium known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This bacteria can be grow in human's urethra, cervix , uterus, vagina, eye, mouth, anus and other mucus membranes. The main cause of this disease is sexual transmission of this bacteria. Sexual transmission is either by vaginal sex, anal sex or oral sex.

It can be spread easily by saliva, and mucus, oral sex is also the main cause of spreading, also if one rubbed at infectected place then rub on another part of body it can spread.

It is second most infected sexually transmitted disease in United State of America. it can also transmitted to the fetus, from mother to baby, that is if mother is infected by Neisseria gonorrhoeae , then it can be reach to the newborn baby by placenta.

It is found that men has 20% chance to get infection from female counterpart by vaginal intercourse.

And female has 40-60% chance of getting infection from her male counter part through vaginal intercourse.

but the chance of getting infection to the male from his male counterpart is higher.